Testnet is a non-production Ercoin network with coins that are not supposed to posess any value. It operates on a different blockchain than the production one.

Current testnet was started on 2021-05-22 and has an epoch length of 3 days.

To obtain testnet coins, ask for them on the IRC channel or on the Telegram group. Currently there is no automated faucet system.

Testnet, just as a production network, may have many nodes. For convenience, one of them is maintained at https://testnet-node.ercoin.tech (use port 26656 for P2P).

How to play without running a node

  1. Open the browser wallet.
  2. Change RPC endpoint in settings to https://testnet-node.ercoin.tech
  3. Add an account.
  4. Copy the created address and ask someone to create an account and send coins to this address.

How to run a node locally and connect to testnet

Assuming that $ERCOIN_HOME points to a desired location of Ercoin data, prepare a node like it was a development installation, initializing the chain with the following command:

make init GENESIS_URL=https://testnet.ercoin.tech/genesis.json GENESIS_SHA256=9a11931b7a4a0321fb1233b0df71bff57ad81ae513f832f8b2f5eda78e33ee33

Then edit $ERCOIN_HOME/config/config.toml and add 2ac436842ecb867473a110d7ae8ceafeefaecf98@testnet-node.ercoin.tech:26656 to persistent_peers. It may be also worthwhile to set index_all_keys to true to make transaction search work.